Raju uncle is an amusing man. He is healthy-eating papa of two, and travelling isn’t the entertainment of his choice. If I were to live like him, I would play the Sitar and spend my days showering my love on the flooring climbers paying their annual visit to my garden. I would start my mornings with three trusted drops of honey dissolved in tulsi chai and would never miss my routined gargle sessions to undo the effects of refrigerated water which my young daughter would probably insist on having. I would live my life enjoying the rare privilege of having a punctual newspaper vendor, and my joy would come from beating the cucumber-seller at daily debates.
Yes, it’s true, If I were Raju uncle, travelling wouldn’t be the entertainment of my choice. Sometimes I think beyond what my physical self can embody. I like to think like the rat who has now become a part of the house by defying the implications of constant doses of rat poison. I like to think like the grass that grows unsupervised near mud pathways, rebelling against the slabs of dirt. I like to think like my colleague who I don’t know the name of and I usually find starring at her screen with dismay.
Something unusual happens when you place yourself out of the realm of your physical body – you travel. You indulge in the almost therapeutic experience of stepping out, both of your mental space and the comfort zone, and suddenly anything seems achievable.
My mind travel began as a young girl who found it as difficult to concentrate as she did to have her feet placed at a fixed spot for too long. Surprisingly, I enjoyed having a fickle mind and would be proud of the stories I could come up with after spending a day in the life of Pinky, our neighbourhood cow. However, it was never enough. I wanted to know where Pinky went to clear her head; I wanted to see her favourite sitting spot in the park and her process of procuring meals.
In no time I had transformed into a tourist living in my own house. I would observe anything my eyes could perceive and then go after it forgetting to return home in time for my favourite daily show. There were places I couldn’t access with my bicycle, so I renounced the comfort of it in the name of imagination.
Here is my point. This summer, do not trade your curious eyes for travel posts from celebrities and influencers. Observe Pinky in her natural habitat instead of watching her live her glorious life through someone else’s filter. Create your stories, live multiple realities rather than holding on to your bicycle.
After all, Raju uncle is only suffering from routine-lysis and not knee pain.

- Kasto Mazaa Hai Railema - June 25, 2018
- An Ode to Garmi Ki Chhutiyan - June 7, 2018
- Chalti ka Naam Gaadi - May 30, 2018