OYO has around 20 properties around Apollo Hospital. You can select from the wide range of Property Types, such as Apollo Hospital Hotels, Homestays, Resorts, Villas, Apartments and more.
apollo hospital Hotels
You can find a variety of OYO accommodations across a wide price ranges. While Apollo Hospital hotel booking, you can choose 17 Budget Hotels in Apollo Hospital under the Property Type section "Budget" as they provide services similar to 3 Star Hotels in Apollo Hospital. You can find Luxury Hotels around Apollo Hospital which provide services equivalent to 4 Star Hotels or 5 Star Hotels. Get the hotels in Apollo Hospital list simply by selecting the Filters "Premium","Flagship" and "Elite". You can find and Book hotels in apollo hospital which serve the requirements of Couples, Families, Business Travellers well.
apollo hospital Hotels with Facilities
OYO ensures a relaxed stay for its guests in all hotels in Apollo Hospital as they extend complimentary amenities like free breakfast, AC, Wifi and TV. If you wish to look for specific amenities in hotels near apollo hospital, you can select your requirements like Swimming Pool, Parking Facility, Banquet Hall, Mini Fridge, Bar, Conference Room, Gym which can be selected by using the options under "Hotel Amenities" Section.
apollo hospital - Location and How to reach
Apollo Hospital in chennai is in the Tamil Nadu. If you are looking to reach Apollo Hospital by train, the closest train station, Chennai Central Railway Station is6 kms away. Korukkupet Jn, Tiruvottiyur Railway Station and Chennai Park Railway Station are some railway stations in the vicinity. The nearest Airport, Chennai International Airport is about 20kms away from the Apollo Hospital. There are Bus Stands at regular intervals in all important localities, Lakshmi Kovil Bus Stop and Tondiarpet Bus Depot to name a few. So if you are a budget traveller you can effectively commute using buses.
apollo hospital - Things to Do & Places to Visit
Some attractions/places to visit in and around the Apollo Hospital are Fort St George, Perarignar Anna Memorial and Valluvar Kottam. There are some important shrines around Apollo Hospital like Lord Muruga Temple, Sri Raja Rajeshwari Temple and Csi St. John'S Church. Games N More, Sa Water and Fun City are some exhilerating Amusement Parks near Apollo Hospital which you must go to if you are an adventure lover! If you like to travel low on cash, you can find HDFC Bank ATM, ICICI Bank ATM and Axis Bank ATM around Apollo Hospital in the nearby market place. If you believe in retail therapy, CK SuperMarket, Golden Fancy Store and LooLU SHOPPING CENTRE malls in Apollo Hospital are your perfect go-to destination for shopping! If you are a history lover, visit Periyar Museum, M G R Museum and Fort Museum in Apollo Hospital. In case of an emergency, you can go to Csi Rainy Multi Speciality Hospital, Stanley Hospital and Corporation Hospital as they are one of the most celebrated hospitals around Apollo Hospital. Apollo Hospital has many green and spacious parks like Chennai Corporation Park, Shanmuganar Park and Royapuram Bridge Park where you can go for a peaceful time alone.