Medanta or the medicity is a medical institute founded by Alka Singh in 2009. It is located at sector 38, in Gurgaon in the Indian state of Haryana in North India. New Delhirailway station is around 28 km away from Medanta hospital. Indira Gandhi international airport, the nearest to Medanta is about 13 km away. Famous tourist destinations in and around Medanta hospital include AppuGhar, amusement city, oysters beach, DLF cyber hub, Rivoli garden shitla Mata Mandir, Parshvanath Digambar Jain mandir, sacred heart Forane church, kingdom of dreams. Baljee restaurant, DH restaurant, party point are few popular restaurants to eat out around. Other hospitals in and around Medanta are the Sparsh hospital, Aarvy hospital and Orbit hospital. They extend services to people 24*7. For shopping, you can go to Satyam Plaza, Star Mall, Huda market. If you run out of money you have ATMs of HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank, YES bank for your convenience.
Hotels around Medanta hospital,Gurgaon
With about 73 properties around Medanta hospital, OYO provides you with various accommodation types in the form of hotels, villas, homestays, resorts and others. Also, OYO hotels in Medanta Hospital Gurgaon provide accommodations across a wide price range which enables you to choose from according to your budget. OYO has 48 budget hotels around Medanta hospital providing 3 star services to all its guests. You can choose to stay at a luxurious hotel by selecting filters "premium", "flagship" and "elite". They provide services equivalent to any 5 star hotel. OYOMedanta Hospital Gurgaon hotels are suitable for couples, families, business travelers and all. Besides getting cheap and affordable hotels within your budget, you will also find it easy to access nearby tourist spots since all OYO hotels are strategically centrally located.
Medanta hospital Hotels with Facilities
While staying in any OYO accommodation around Medanta hospital, you need not worry about basic amenities since all OYO accommodations, despite being affordable or luxurious provide you with the basic facilities that you need. These include free Wi-Fi, ac, TV, geyser, CCTV surveillance, parking facilities, complimentary breakfast. However, few accommodations,apart from providing these amenities, also provide some extra facilities like swimming pool, gym, elevator, mini fridge, bar, conference room, banquet hall and many more. OYO 11606 the Olive near Sector-38 in Medanta, Gurgaon is an OYO hotel at an affordable rate. It has hospitable staff who take care of the security of all guests and a 24 hour helpdesk. It is located close to Rivoli garden Shitla Mata mandir, kingdom of dreams and DLF cyberhub. Near Medanta Hospital, Jharsa, Gurgaon is OYO 27069 Dharam Tower, another affordable hotel each room comes with free wifi, ac, king sized beds. Eateries like hotel Malabar, Kabul palace restaurant, bonji are located nearby this hotel.