OYO has about 83 properties in Vile Parle East. Hotels, Homestays, Resorts, Villas, Apartments are some of the prominent accommodation types in Vile Parle East which you can select from.
Vile Parle East Hotels
You can find a variety of OYO accommodations across a wide price ranges. You can choose Budget Hotels in Vile Parle East under the Property Type section "Budget" as they provide services similar to 3 Star Hotels in Vile Parle East. You can find Luxury Hotels around Vile Parle East which provide services equivalent to 4 Star Hotels or 5 Star Hotels. They can be found by selecting the Filters "Premium","Flagship" and "Elite". All OYOs in Vile Parle East take good care of the needs of Couples, Families, Business Travellers alike.
Vile Parle East Hotels with Facilities
OYO ensures a relaxed stay for one and all in Vile Parle East as it extends complimentary amenities like free breakfast, AC, Wifi and TV. There are some Vile Parle East hotels with special facilities such as Swimming Pool, Parking Facility, Banquet Hall, Mini Fridge, Bar, Conference Room, Gym which can be chosen by using the options under "Hotel Amenities" Section.
Vile Parle East - Location and How to reach
Vile Parle East in Mumbai is a significant place in Maharashtra. Around Vile Parle East, you can easily commute via trains as the nearest station, Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus railway station is about 18 kms away. Ville Parle, Victoria Terminus and Santa Cruz are some railway stations in the vicinity. The nearest Airport, Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport is about 2kms away from the Vile Parle East. There are Bus Stands at regular intervals in all important areas - Garware, Air India and Vidya Nagri Kalina to name a few. So if you are a budget traveller you can effectively commute using buses. If you haven't got your vehicle on the trip but wish to travel through private taxis, you can easily find them on the nearby taxi stand, One Side Taxi, United Travels India And Cabs Now.
Vile Parle East - Things to Do & Places to Visit
Vile Parle East has some amazing restaurants like C.M Foods & Juices, CyberChef and Madhuri Puranpoli which you must explore on your trip. Jaya He - GVK New Museum, Indu Art Gallery and Shrimant Chatrapati Shivaji Raje Museum are some famous museums of historic importance in Vile Parle East. If you wish to go for a stroll, there are many clean and spacious parks around Vile Parle East. Some of them are Rotary Park, Lions Juhu Children's Municipal Park and Kaifi Azmi Park. ISKCON, Ramakrishna Math and Mission, Khar and Sacred Heart Church are some beautiful shrines in Vile Parle East of great significance. Incase of an emergency, you can go to the near by chemists stores in the Vile Parle East. Some of them are Royal Chemists, New Empire Chemist and Royal Medical Store. Snow World Mumbai, Freezing Rain At Snow World and Fantasy Land are some exhilerating Amusement Parks near Vile Parle East which you must go to if you are an adventure lover! There are some amazing shopping malls like Phoenix Marketcity, Grace Plaza Shopping and Dynamix Mall in and around the Vile Parle East having a wide range of products and services. In case of an emergency, you can go to Holy Spirit Hospital, Suraj Clinic and Hinduja Healthcare as they are one of the most celebrated hospitals around Vile Parle East. If you like to travel low on cash, you can easily find Bank of India, IDBI Bank and Union Bank Of India ATM around Vile Parle East in the nearby market place. Jaya He - GVK New Museum, Indu Art Gallery and Shrimant Chatrapati Shivaji Raje Museum are some famous museums of historic importance in Vile Parle East.